Long-term Digital Technologies experience of our company allows us to take undeniable advantages on every stage of system lifecycle (at design, setting up, exploitation and further modernization):
1) Wide range of Control and Management functions of Technology Process and Equipment implementation
(including implementation of complex functions), and enhancement of such important characteristics of the system, as:
- Precision of measure of the managing parameters;
- Operating speed of performance;
- Reliability.
2) Deep self-diagnostics of the equipment providing:
- Early Detection of defects potentially able to cause a fault situation;
- Proved Ability to avoid complicated and often routine procedures.
3) High exploitation characteristics of automated objects consisting complex automated process control system:
- Information content of equipment data;
- Information content of automated process data, including exact meaning of values
reflecting the safe operation of the system;
- Low risk of error appearing as a result of regulatory impacts
on complex and multi-linked objects.
4) Single Input and Multiple Usage of information approach.
5) Provision to test application software at the design stage,
before production of equipment, including application of specializing test benches
simulating automated process of the control object.
6) Ability to upgrade system by changing of application software
without any changing in hardware.
7) Objectively, the number of operating personnel is reduced
when saving and increasing quality of operation.
Systems designed by Precision Systems Technologies company with original modern digital technologies in partnership with Siemens company are providing projects taking into account the necessary criteria and principles:
- single failure criteria;
- the principle of diversity (including control algorithms);
- the principle of independence;
- functional testing of protection channels;
- independence between protective action management system
and management & control system of normal operation;
- redirections of actions in case of system failure to safe state (the principle of secure failure);
- completeness of implementation;
- capability of deep state checks of protective action management systems during operation;
- reliability;
- informativity;
- minimal maintenance;
- flexibility to make changes.